Infantile graveyard excavation
At the edge of Chora towards the southern part, at Kylindra,
there is a big rescue excavation.
The only infantile graveyard in the world was found here.
A sacred place, from the Geometrical years to the Hellenistic
Some thousands of infants buried in pots, in an outstanding
archaeological and anthropological interest.
Already, foreign and Greek archaeologists, as well as special
scientists, are especially interested in these unique findings
so a special museum and research centre is needed on the island.
For more information look here (UCL Astypalaia Bioarchaeology
The Astypalaia Archaeological Museum
The Astypalaia Archaeological Museum is housed in a
ground-floor hall, which was granted to the Hellenic Ministry of
Culture by the Ecclesiastical Charity Fund of Astypalaia in
1994. The exhibition was organized in 1995-1996 and in the
following years it was improved and enriched with the special
audio-visual programme (Echorama). The museum was inaugurated in
September 1998.
The exhibition contains finds that cover a wide chronological
range, from the prehistoric period down to medieval times. More
specifically, the museum contains:
Collection of prehistoric finds: clay vases, jewellery, bronze
and stone tools from chamber tombs of the Mycenaean period at
the sites of Armenochori and Syngairo, which attest the
prosperity of the island since the Late Bronze Age. Remarkable
is the discovery in one of the graves, of numerous stone tools,
probably connected with the status and the occupation of the
Treasure of silver coins of the Classical period, which was
found on the island.
Collection of votive inscriptions from the sanctuaries of the
island, which give information about the deities worshipped on
Astypalaia in antiquity (Apollo, Artemis Lochia and Eilythieia,
Asklepios and Aphrodite). Remarkable among them is a large
inscribed votive base of Apollo with the marks of the feet of a
monumental statue, dated to the 4th century BC.
Finds of the Classical and Hellenistic periods: architectural
members (inscribed architraves), burial and votive reliefs,
funerary altars, male and female statuettes and important
inscriptions (funerary, votive, honorary decrees, letters from
emperors and other items), which give valuable information about
the history and monuments of the island. Some of the important
items of the collection are:
a) Torso of a male statue wearing a himation. The garment, which
is swathed around his loins, hangs from his left shoulder and is
grasped in his left hand, leaving the chest bare.
b) Relief depicting a symposium. It shows a couple reclining on
a couch. At the foot of the couch a female figure is seated in a
chariot. Behind the couch are a small servant, a table with food
and a tree with a snake coiled around it (a funerary banquet or
a banquet for heroized dead persons?).
c) Relief depicting a funerary banquet. A male figure is shown
on a couch, while a female figure in a chiton and himation steps
on a footstool. The scene is framed by pillars supporting a
cornice with antefixes.
d) Torso of a male figure wearing a cuirass, of Roman date.
e) Lower part of semi-nude female statue in one piece with the
base. Her himation is wrapped around her waist and hangs in
profuse folds to her feet (Aphrodite).
f) Part of a gold chaplet with leaves and fruit.
g) Stele inscribed with a sacred law regulating the conditions
of entry into a sanctuary (3rd century BC).
h) Inscribed stone stele with a letter from the emperor Hadrian
to the magistrates and Boule (Council) of the Knidians.
Collection of clay vases from the necropolises of Katsalos and
Kilindra, dating from the Geometric until the Roman period.
Marble panels, capitals and other parts of Early Christian
Administrative Information
Official Unit: 22nd Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical
Astypalaia (Prefecture of Dodekanissa)
Telephone: +30 22430 61500
Full: €2, Reduced: €1
Free admission days
6 March (in memory of Melina Mercouri
5 June (International Enviroment Day)
18 April (International Monuments Day)
18 May (International Museums Day)
The last weekend of September annually (European Heritage Days)
Sundays in the period between 1 November and 31 March
National Holidays
The first Sunday of every month, except for July, August and
September (when the first Sunday is holiday, then the second is
the free admission day.)
27 September, International Tourism Day
Reduced admission for:
Citizens of the E.U. aged over 65
Students from countries outside the E.U.
Free admission for:
Members of the ICOM-ICOMOS
Persons possessing a free admission card
Persons under 19
Soldiers carrying out their military service
Tour guides
University students from Greece and the E.U.